Noelle Mathew M.S. - presenting at APLS 2017

Howell, M.H. & Fanniff, A.M. (2024, August 8-10). Ethnic affirmation-belonging: A potential culturally-relevant resilience factor among adolescents. In IMPACT: Belonging and Inclusivity. Symposium accepted for presentation at the 2024 American Psychological Association Convention, Seattle, WA.
Fanniff, A.M. (2024, March). Culturally Informed or Culture Blind? Coverage of Sociocultural Identities in United States-Based Forensic Psychology Journals, 2016-2020. Chair. Symposium presented at the 2024 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Fanniff, A.M. & York, T. (2024, March). Addressing Sociocultural Identities in Forensic Psychology Research: An Overview. In A. Fanniff (Chair), Culturally Informed or Culture Blind? Coverage of Sociocultural Identities in United States-Based Forensic Psychology Journals, 2016-2020. Symposium presented at the 2024 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Wallach, L.N. & Fanniff, A.M. (2024, March). Considerations of race & ethnicity in forensic psychology research: A content analysis. In A. Fanniff (Chair), Culturally Informed or Culture Blind? Coverage of Sociocultural Identities in United States-Based Forensic Psychology Journals, 2016-2020. Symposium presented at the 2024 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Gallin, R. & Fanniff, A.M. (2024, March). Sexual and gender minority identities in forensic psychology research: A content analysis. In A. Fanniff (Chair), Culturally Informed or Culture Blind? Coverage of Sociocultural Identities in United States-Based Forensic Psychology Journals, 2016-2020. Symposium presented at the 2024 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.​
Howell, M.H. & Fanniff, A.M. (2024, March). Lacking diversity: A content analysis and review of the state of best practices in juvenile legal research. In A. Fanniff (Chair), Culturally Informed or Culture Blind? Coverage of Sociocultural Identities in United States-Based Forensic Psychology Journals, 2016-2020. Symposium presented at the 2024 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Wurm, A. & Fanniff, A.M. (2024, March). Cultural (un)responsiveness: The state of psychometric reporting in forensic psychology research. In A. Fanniff (Chair), Culturally Informed or Culture Blind? Coverage of Sociocultural Identities in United States-Based Forensic Psychology Journals, 2016-2020. Symposium presented at the 2024 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Wallach, L.N., Krein, I., & Fanniff, A.M. (2024, March). Differential Functioning of the TriPM: An Item-Response Theory Analysis by Race. Paper presented at the 2024 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Alafoginis, M. & Fanniff, A.M. (2024, March). The CSS-M’s Validity as a Measure of Criminal Attitudes: Measuring Differences and Disparities Between Racial Groups. Paper in data blitz presented at the 2024 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Krein, I. & Fanniff, A. M. (2023, March). Parenting differences across race and juveniles' self-reported offending [Paper Presentation]. American Psychology Law Society Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
Fanniff, A.M. (2022, March). Doing Better for the Next Gen: Incorporating Diversity Equity and Inclusion in Forensic Training. Discussant. Rynczak, D., Chair. Symposium for the 2022 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Faerman, A.* & Fanniff, A.M. (2022, March). Understanding Vicarious Trauma: The effects of risk factors, protective factors, and trauma-informed care implementation on vicarious trauma symptoms. Paper accepted for presentation for the 2022 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Ponte, B., Bohnsack, K., Anderson, L., Reiner, K., & Fanniff, A. (2021, August 12-14). Rape myth acceptance: Differences across sociocultural and intersectional identities [Poster presentation]. APA 2021 Convention, Division 41, Online, United States.
Alafoginis, M., Bohnsack, K., & Fanniff, A.M. (2021, March 20). Defense Attorneys' Perception of Juveniles' Competence Across Age and Maturity Levels. [Poster presentation]. American Psychology - Law Society 2021 Virtual Poster Session.
Bohnsack, K., Alafoginis, M., & Fanniff, A.M. (2021, March 20). Juveniles’ Competence to Stand Trial: Defense Attorneys’ Perception of Trial-Related Abilities and Developmental Factors. [Poster presentation]. American Psychology - Law Society 2021 Virtual Poster Session.
Fanniff, A.M., York, T.M.* Montena, A.L.*, & Bohnsack, K.* (2019, March). Incorporating cultural considerations into forensic evaluations: A survey of practitioners. Poster presented at the 2019 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Portland, OR. (Click here)
Cannizzarro, L.* & Fanniff, A.M., (2018, October). Female sexual coercion: Sociosexuality, psychopathy, and fantasies. Poster presented at the ATSA 37th Annual Research and Treatment Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Fanniff, A.M. (2017, October). Ethics in research on youth who sexually harm. Paper presented at the ATSA 36th Annual Research and Treatment Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Mathew, N.* Meyer, S.*, & Fanniff, A.M. (2017, March). Examining childhood maltreatment rates and psychometric properties of the CTQ-SF in an ethnically diverse college student sample. Paper presented at the 2017 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
Cannizzarro, L.*, Fanniff, A.M., McCormick, P.*, & Mathew, N.* (2016, March). Pornography, Maltreatment, and Sexual Coercion. Paper presented at the 2016 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Gambow, A.R.* & Fanniff, A.M. (2016, March). An investigation of the relationship between PTSD, psychopathy, and recidivism in juvenile offenders. Paper presented at the 2016 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Hanks, C.*, Fanniff, A.M., Mogannam, R.*, & Conkey, J.* (2016, March). First Experiences with Pornography: Who, What, Why, When, & Where? Paper presented at the 2016 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Fanniff, A.M., Schubert, C.A., Mulvey, E.P., Iselin, A.R., & Piquero, A.R. (2015, October). Understanding risk factors in juveniles adjudicated for sexual offenses. In R. Rebouche (moderator), Criminalizing Adolescence. Symposium conducted at Court-Involved Youth in the 21st Century: Empowerment vs Protection, conference hosted by Juvenile Law Center and Temple Law Review, Philadelphia, PA.
Cates, S.A.*, Fanniff, A.M., & Kimonis, E.R. (2013, October). Examining the etiological significance of precocious sexualization in juvenile offenders: Effects on offense type and risk. Paper presented at the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers 32nd Annual Research and Treatment Conference, Chicago, IL.
Gambow, A.L.*, Fanniff, A.M., & Kimonis, E.R. (2013, March). The role of dissociation in the etiology of sexual offending in adolescents. Paper presentation at the 2013 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Florencia Iturri M.S-
Presenting at APLS 2020

Patricia McCormick PhD-
Presenting at APLS 2020

Isabel Krein -
Presenting at APLS 2023

APLS 2017 - Dr. Fanniff, Noelle Mathew, Samantha Meyer, and Jennifer Gelber